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Try AliExpress, shipping from China. Search for "polycarbonate chocolate mold". Quality varies but it's cheaper when you're starting. Some stores I've bought from that have good delivery time / packaging / quality: Dcrt pastry tools, Fuleier baking, Grainrain. Use simpler molds to start with, less sharp edges. For bonbons try the cherry / bullet head / dome style (I have a lot of the "4146B" and the smaller "4146"). For smaller bars I like the "3178", it has a nice wavy pattern on each bite. The model number is not always part of the searchable description or keywords, sometimes just text in a photo, so you may want to visit the individual store and search their items directly.

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The woman on the checkout took the bank card to compare the signatures on the back of my discount card and obviously they didn't match OP, did you keep your job? Sorry to bump an old thread but I'm a bit worried now after today. Me and my mum are both nominated users of the discount card. Mum put the family shop through and was checking how much it was going to be. She had only budgeted £120 and realised it was going to exceed this so paid for £120 worth and put the rest as separate. I then bought my shopping and got discount. Then the remainder of the family shop went through and this came to a £10 or so. My sister paid for this as mum didn't have enough cash. My mum used my sister's card to pay so no signatures were checked but I'm a bit worried now as the checkout lady seemed to look at the discount card for a long time, and then got some till roll and then as we were leaving she started to write something down. Hate to muddy the waters here but isn't it also against the T&Cs of most bank accounts to give your PIN to a third party?

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