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Video Montage - A montage of assorted small Tourettes Guy clips. (2:43) - clips include (in order): A Rough Night, Scooby-do and the accident, Lotto Numbers, 5 Cent Sundays, Banana, Ordering Pizza, The Bathroom Dilema. - Uploaded by DannyTheTourettesGuy - Brush Ma Teeth - Some asshole keeps banging on the door while the Tourettes Guy tries to brush his teeth. (0:38) - Best of The Tourettes Guy (1 of 4) Interview Part 1 - A group of people try to interview the Tourettes Guy about having tourettes syndrome. When they show up, they realize he's piss drunk. (0:48) - Best of The Tourettes Guy (1 of 4) Audio Section - Downloadable mp3's The Tourettes Guy Remix - Many thanks to Ewun on the forums for this great remix featuring the Tourettes Guy. If you're a fan of the Tourettes Guy, you have got to hear this!! -??? Dom DeLouise - The Tourettes Guy shares his opinion of Dom DeLouise - (mp3 reused with image as a video called "What About Dom? ") Best of The Tourettes Guy (1 of 4) Colgate Remix - Thanks to Sdm on the forums for another remix!

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